The Intercultural Christian Centre is a national network of 155 Danish Lutheran churches, international/migrant churches and Christian NGOs (see list) which was founded in 1994 as a resource centre for local churches (Danish and non-Danish) and Christian organisations ministering to refugees, immigrants and asylum seekers.
The Centre offers 3-4 annual multiethnic conferences and seminars, publishes a quarterly newspaper where refugees and immigrants tell their stories and church initiatives are described, publishes booklets and resource materials and provides information and support for local churches and others.
The Centre seeks to equip Danish and non-Danish Christians living in Denmark to be an authentic Christian presence in Danish society in word and deed. We also offer a code of conduct for building good and honest relations with people of different faiths or none based on mutual respect and without compromising what we ourselves are convinced is the truth.
It is the deliberate policy of the Centre to give Christian refugees and immigrants a platform for speaking, writing and exercising leadership.
From 2002 to 2018, our chairman was Mr. Adnan Dahan, a former UNICEF consultant and a Christian refugee from Iraq. A long standing member of our board, pastor emeritus Ms. Inge With Johannesen, held the post in 2018-2022. Since 2022, our chairman has been Mr. Clement Dachet, a theologian of Nigerian heritage.
Board Members 2024:
Chairman: Clement Dachet, Aarhus
Deputy Chairman: Henry Holm Hansen, Nr. Løgum
Abel Zehmret Kidane, Brønshøj
Hanne Thingaard, Christiansfeld
Krista Rosenlund Bellows, Videbæk
Joseph George Zahr, Næstved
Wamwati Karuri, Skovlunde
Elizabeth Padillo Olesen, Christiansfeld
Our staff:
- Birthe Munck-Fairwood (network coordinator)
- Hanna Vesalainen Hirslund (office)
- Ingebritt van der Poel (accountant)
You can contact us at:
Tværkulturelt Center
Ryesgade 68 C
2100 København Ø
Tel. 3536 6535