Lydfiler: Kontakt Tværkulturelt Center
Manuskripter og slides fra Tværkulturelt Centers forårskonference 2012 Migration og identitet - Case stories: Kinesiske migrantmenigheder med hovedtalere Kim Lau og Jan Opsal:
1. Hothouse or Garden: Is the Chinese Church Cool?
2. How to grow a Chinese Church: Tips from a Northern garden
Manuskripter fra Tværkulturelt Centers forårskonference 2008 Fra troens verden med hovedtaler, anglikansk præst Colin Chapman:
- Faith and politics: Is there any hope of winning the "war on terror"?
- Faith and co-existence: Do we choose to be strangers, friends or fellow citizens?
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Manuskripter fra Tværkulturelt Centers forårskonference 2007 Mennesker og tro med den anglikanske præst Bill Musk:
1. Stepping into someone else's world
2. Cross-faith kaleidoscope
3. Theological issues in cross-faith relating
4. Pastoral issues in cross-faith relating
5. Community issues in cross-faith relating
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Bånd/CD fra Tværkulturelt Centers forårskonference 2006 Sorgens mange ansigter med en spanske psykiater Pablo Martinez:
1. Exile and experience of bereavement
2. Exile and depression: How churches can be therapeutic communities
3. Understanding grief: How can we help ourselves and others through loss and bereavement?
4. Exile and illness: Coping with the loss of physical and mental health
5. Starting a new life: Coping with stress and change
6. A good life: Learning to live with the shadows of the past
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